Barana Simmental bulls reach $13,000 at Coolah
Above: Barana stud principal Peter Cook and buyers David Wirth and Nick Cave, “Glengarry”, Glen Elgin, with the top-priced bull, Barana...
'July sales: Strong selection on sale day'
Read the Full Western Magazine article here: Barana Stud...
Australia’s premier Simmental sale
#NorthWestMagazine #Magazine #Barana #Simmentals #PremierSale #PeterCook #CattleProducer #BullSale #Bull #Female #Breeding...
Barana Simmentals 2015 Sale Report
Barana Reaches $17,500 High Barana Simmentals 15th Annual on farm sale held on July 2nd, achieved a pleasing result with bulls selling to...
September eNews
Courtesy of the Coolah Veterinary Clinic September is the month for: · Bull Testing · Vibrio Vaccination of Bulls · Trisolfen Purchases...